Monday, March 21, 2011

Music Land [Poem]

I wish I could always be here
where there's peace and quiescent
just me and the ringing
of a cherry red guitar
throughout my tiny headphones.

Splashing color inside my spirit
with lyrics from the heart
and melodies made for Gods...
If only this music land
could exist everywhere
you are..then maybe I'd
feel as perfect as I do
whenever I hear you sing.


That's all can be said for such
a marvelous creation. I hear
ballads when you look at me
I'm a conductor and you are
my first chair violin, whisking
me away with you're charming
notes. Let me climb into your arms
and be taken to a place
ever so far away..where music is King
and I am Queen.

People talk about heaven
well I want music.
Not angels and golden gates
I want drums and cellos
flutes and harps
softness and tenderness.
I know that if I ever lost you
I'd find you playing in
Music Land

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